Monday, June 9, 2014

Mobile Thing 23 - Evaluation

I have really enjoyed doing the 23 Mobile Things , though there were a few I that I didn't really like.  I love trying new things even if I will never use it again.  The video, audio and photos were fun and I liked finding new things under hobbies, which I would never have looked for.

I didn't connect with others who were doing the 23 Mobile Things just because I was busy and didn't have time to look at what others were doing.  I think it would had made it more fun to connect on some of the social media apps where you could find friends.  Maybe that would be a suggestion, find a way so that we could find each other.

I think that a program that combines apps and websites would be great.

I didn't find too many of the Things relevant for my life at the library, but I did find Things relevant for my life as a musician along with my personal life. 

I would jump at the chance to do another program like this.  Unfortunately after doing a couple of things my life got so busy I forgot all about this.  But I finished in time!!

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