Friday, February 28, 2014

Mobile Thing 4 - Keeping Up

I decided to try Flipboard for my feed.  I don't really follow news, blogs, etc.  While it was cool in how it "flipped", I found it not that easy to use.  I could not seem to find what I wanted very easily.  But like everything else it takes awhile to get used to anything new.  I have been using Bloglovin for quite a while now, but rarely think to look at it.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Mobile Thing 3 - Utilities

I have been using ScanLife for QR codes and liked it.  This thing suggested using RedLaser Barcode & QR Scanner.  First I took a book and scanned the barcode with ScanLife, but it came up with nothing. Next I tried it with RedLaser and that one did scan in.  Came up with places I could purchase and prices.  Next I took a url and created a code.  I do like RedLaser better and have uninstalled ScanLife.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mobile Thing 2 - Mobile device tips

I have had my android smart phone for three years now so I pretty much have it figured out.  I did check out some videos, but didn't learn anything new.  Did find out for sure that I cannot do screen shots with my phone.  After watching some videos on the new devices I would really like to up grade... May just do that before the end of the 23 Mobile Things.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mobile Thing 1 - Blogging

Over five years ago, the Minnesota multitype library systems offered 23 Things on a Stick, a self-paced learning program about Web 2.0 tools.  With technology changing and more people using mobile devices they are now offering 23 Mobile Things.

The first thing is registering your blog or if you don't have one to create a blog.  This was easy since I already have this blog, which I created for 23 Things on a Stick in 2008.  At this time I only have an android phone to do this program on, but I will be using a desktop to write up the posts. goes!