Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thing #36 Comic relief - generate some fun

Lots of interesting things, but I didn't find much of use.

  • Citations could be very helpful for students since we have an older version of word that does not do citations.
  • I probably could find a use of graphs. I have always loved statistics and graphs.
  • I wish I would have known about the timeline last year when planning the Library's 100th aniversary.
  • Tag Cloud could also be useful. LibraryThing does that with the 'tags' (subjects) that are put in for your books.

I see some use for some of the generators at the library.

I tried out the comic strip maker, but ToonDoo got stuck. I found the comics about library's pretty stupid and if I tried to make my own it would be just as stupid since I'm not very creative.

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