Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thing #31 More: Twitter

This took hours and I didn't even look into everything! I do find twitter fun. Am I a Twithead?!? What is Twitter? Good question...don't think I can really button hole it. Twitter means something different for each of my accounts.

I have both a personal (Beth A) and a Library (PrestonLibrary) accounts. Both have been added to the Tweeter Directory and LocalTweeps. I played around with a bunch of the "fun" things and they are just that fun, but they are time consuming and easily forgotten. I don't use any mobile device so didn't try any.

Personal Twitter: I'm probably at the conversing level here. I follow people I know and people who have the same interests. I don't like to put too much information about me on line so my Twitter doesn't say much, one can see my interest more by who I follow. I sometimes wonder what the purpose really is for Twitter...just another duplication?

Library Twitter: The level for this would be Microblogging as I use it to let others know about what's happening at the Library. So far I don't really have any library users following. Not sure if any are even on Twitter. I put Twitter on our LibraryThing account.