Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I continue to use some of the things that I learned during the 23 Things on a Stick and others have gone by the wayside. Things I use:
  1. RSS - I started out using this on an almost daily basis but haven't used it for a few months.
  2. PHOTOS - I use this all the time for our Library blog. I put a picture on the blog and then a link to the album that I created for the activity. I use Picasa, but find that it doesn't have too many options.
  3. COMMUNICATION - I do use the Facebook chatting and find it fun. I don't use this while I'm at work.
  4. COLLABORATION - We are using Google Docs for our book orders, movie lists and other things that we use on both computers. We all log in with the same user name. This was very handy while at Best Buy and I wanted to see what was on our movie list.
  5. PRODUCTIVITY - I use Google Calendar some, but mainly I use the calendar that I have with my email account. It is just not convenient for me to get into a lot of different accounts.
  6. LIBRARYTHING - We are now adding our new adult books to this site. Since we are not paying for it we are limited to 200 books so at the end of each month I remove books from a few months back. Not sure if any patrons are looking at this or not.
  7. PODCASTS & VIDEOS - I use YouTube when I want to see some music group. But sometimes I get carried away because one video leads to another and before I know it a couple of hours have gone by.
  8. SOCIAL NETWORKING - I use Facebook on almost a daily basis since all of my family members have accounts. It has a lot of time wasting things on it.

I have not found much use for the other Things, but who knows.