Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm common

Check the bottom of this blog to see how common I am. I tried to put this on the side, but it was too big.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Update on Sticks #3, 5, 7-2, 9 and 13

#3 RSS - Since I already have a google account I decided to try out Google Reader. I think that I may like this better than bloglines. It is a lot handier as I won't have to log into two accounts.

#5 - What happened to my jigsaw puzzle?

#7-2 IM - I have been doing this some, but it could easily become a big time waster since you feel like I need to reply right away.

#9 Documents - I have put our March book order in so that it can easily be accessed by whoever is working on it or even at the same time. Before we got a new computer our two staff computers were networked so that we could work on things on either computer, but only one could do it at a time. Don't know if I will continue using or not.

#13 Calendar - Filled in a calendar that is part of our library email. It still seems easiest to hand write info on a physical computer.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Stick #16 Minnesota 2.0

I looked at both RPC and the Assignment Calculator. I think that some students would find this very useful while others wouldn't. Since I work at a public library we don't have a lot of students coming in because of assignments.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stick #15 Games

I'm not a fan of online games. I did try out the Puzzle Pirates, but I did not see the purpose of it so therefore did not interact with other players. Bilging was fun, and I could get addicted to that game very fast.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stick #14

I set up a LibraryThing for our library with the adult books received since the beginning of the year. I'm hoping to put it on our library blog. There was only one book that I had to add manually. I was able to find a picture of it on a web site so that it has a cover picture like the rest. It was very easy to use.

I don't think that I would use this personally as I don't have the internet at home. Could be fun though.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Stick #13

I had customized my yahoo page quite awhile ago, but I never look at it. I worked on my google page today. Neither seem to have what I really want. I tried adding different calendars, but they did not work correctly. Most of these productivity tools would work best if you had access to the internet at all times. For me it would take more time to log on, type in and then remember to look at it later.

Stick #12

I looked around in the four different sites and liked Digg the best. Personally this is not something that I would really use either at the library or home. I searched one of my favorite topics, Bluegrass, and there was hardly anything out there. I feel this would be a productivity detractor.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Stick #11

I had done some tagging before and have now added a few to my blog. Since most posts are of different subjects it is not too useful.

I signed up for a account and thought this would be so cool. It adds buttons to your tool bar so that you can only use it on that computer unless you download them to every computer you use. I thought that this would be handy for patrons, but there would have to be the buttons on the computer in order to work. Do other libraries add them to the tool bars of their patron computers?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Stick #10

Wiki Wiki Wiki! I can't think of an immediate use for one at our library at this time. How much security is there in one? Can you limit changes to just who you select or is it open to everyone? I'll probably continue looking into them and maybe some day I will find a use for it. I edited the 23 Things Wiki and found it quite easy. I liked the Wikispaces best of the ones I looked at.

Stick #9

I used Google docs for this as I already have a Google account. I tried it out by making a poster with mistakes and then invited someone to correct it. I feel that this could be very useful. I already know one person who I'm going to suggest this to.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Stick #8c

The eFolio Minnesota sounds like a really neat idea. I would not need to use it, but am suggesting it to someone else that may be able to use it.

Stick #8b

I tried out Lazybase and have started creating a list of bluegrass Festivals I have been to, which will take awhile. I could not figure out how to put it on my blog though. I was very surprised that no password was required. How do you keep other people from adding things. They gave a long link through my email account to get into it. That certainly doesn't seem easy as I will have to go into my email and click on the link each time I want to get into it. Is there an easier way?

Stick #8a

I can't believe I got this to work! I did this slide show through Picasa. Picasa is a google account and when I first set it up I had a predone album of the pictures I had created for my blog!

I don't know that I would use all the fancier sites for slide shows. And besides it would be another thing to sign up for so I guess I will pass on doing a fancy slide show. But then again it looks so fun...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stick #7 - Challenge

1. Google Groups: I would never have time to keep up with all these groups. There just seems to be such an overload of information in today's society. I remember the simpler days of growing up in the 60's and 70's. Does all this information really help us? Seems to make life more stressful and keeps us way to busy.

2. Meebo: I see no use for this as I don't use IM. Who knows? Maybe in the future. I never wanted to get a CD player and now I can't live without one. Same goes for a computer, a DVD player, Cell phone... Get the message? I tend to resist technology at first.

3. Twitter: Now this seems like a real time waster. Do I really need to know what others are doing? And do I need to waste my time to type out to someone that I am checking out books to a patron or cataloging some new books that were just received? And is it that interesting?

Stick #7 - 4

Web conferencing: I have never attended a web conferencing, but would like to some day. Like I said before, since I don't have internet at home the conference would have to be at a time when the library was closed.

Stick #7 - 3

Text messaging: I have only used this feature on my phone a few times. I don't really feel the need for it. I think that this would work a little better in our library as I wouldn't feel the need to answer immediantly if it was very busy here. I'm sure that many patrons would really like to receive hold notices via their cell phone. I find this much more exciting.

Stick #7 - 2

IM: I've probably only used this about once or twice years ago. I have not found the need personally for it especially since I don't have the internet at home.

At the library there is only one person during many of our open hours so I would not want to add IM also. There are times someone needs help with a computer, another wants help finding a book, while one or two are ready to check out and then the phone rings! Try adding an IM conversation to that. I have actually held a conversation with someone who was emailing at the same time as me.

Our two staff computers are only about twelve feet apart so no need to IM with each other. I can see where it could be very handy in a large library.

Stick #7 - 1

Email: We have offered computer classes at the library. Usually it is seniors who attend. We help them set up an email account if they want it, but find that very few continue coming to the library afterwards to keep on their new skills (probably why we have had so many repeat attenders). We use email all the time at the library. Patrons with emails have overdue and hold notices emailed to them along with other problems or information. We email other libraries. Since we are a very small library we do not have the need to email each other.

Email productivity: I like having auto-check on. When I hear the beep I don't rush to check my email unless I am actually waiting for an important reply. I check whenever is convenient or I have a little time. This can be hours some days. I usually don't try to make my messages too wordy. Wordy messages that are received tend to get put aside for "when I have time", which can be days and many times too late.